- icamr@sciei.org
- +1-562-606-1057/+861-820-7777775
- Mon - Fri 9:30am-18:00pm
Submitted papers will be reviewed by committee reviewers and be scheduled for either oral or poster presentation during the conferences if the topic is relevant and the quality of the data justifies scheduling. Irrelevant or poor-quality papers may be rejected. Reviewed and accepted papers will receive notification information via email on Notification day, and will be requested to register before the Registration Deadline.
Please send your paper/abstract to
Online Submission System; (.pdf only)
An account is needed. If you do not have, please
apply it first.
Paper (Presentation and Publication) (Template)
Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral
presentation at the conference and be published in
the Key Engineering Materials
(ISSN: 1662-9795), indexed by
SCOPUS, REAXYS, Inspec (IET, Institution of Engineering Technology), Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, etc.
(Index information is from the
official website)
Page Limit: Each paper should be more than 4 full pages normally, including all figures, tables, and references.
Extra Page: The first 6 pages are free, Extra pages will be charged at $50 (US dollars) per extra page
Please fill the form online http://registration-link.mikecrm.com/STnh6Bq, pay the fee and mail to icamr@sciei.org to finish your registration.
Groups&Team&Sponsors are welcome, please contact with icamr@sciei.org for details.
Please mail Ms. Ashily Qi via mail address ashilyqi@sciei.org