Conference Speakers

Prof. Young Gun Ko
Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea

Speech Title: Toward Materials Architecture on Surface via Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation

Abstract: In recent years, considerable research has long been devoted to the development of metallic materials with excellent surface properties through various surface modification techniques. A plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO), one of the electrochemical coatings, has considered the eco-friendly wet coating in alkaline-based electrolytes where the surface characteristics of metal would be altered significantly by electrochemical reactions assisted by plasma discharges, resulting in the formation of hard, conformal, adhesive inorganic layer on the metal substrate. This talk will describe a couple of the scientific principles including transient discharge behavior at breakdown, nucleation and growth of inorganic layer, and electrophoresis for incorporating inorganic particle. It will outline the essential microstructural features related to defect structure, plasma-induced structural transformation, phase transition, and roles of inorganic agents. The protective nature of the present coating will be highlighted by considering structural reliabilities, such as tribological and corrosion performances. In addition, the emerging applications arising from functional properties of the present coating, such as biomedical, catalysis, light, and energy performances, will be delivered. The benign approaches used to improve the structural and functional properties of coating layers will be described utilizing pre- and post-treatments of PEO if time will be allowed.

Bio: Prof. Young Gun Ko has been working for School of Materials Science and Engineering, Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea as a full professor since 2009. Prior to the current affiliation, he worked for Prof. Suresh group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he investigated nanoscale mechanics of light materials as a postdoctoral researcher. He had been granted Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. diploma from Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). Recently, he was responsible as a Head of Integrated Materials Chemistry Laboratory for how to improve the electrochemical response of valve metals via surface reforming based on plasma electrolysis.
He has worked as Editorial Board for Journal of Magnesium and Alloys whose impact factor is 15.8. He has been the Top 2% Scientist by Stanford University since 2020. At present, the SCI paper number and citation number, and h-index are 283, 10,039, and 52.

Prof. Jian-Gong Ma
Nankai University, China

Speech Title: Composite Catalysts based on Metal-Organic Frameworks

Abstract: Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline porous materials constructed by metal ions and organic ligands, which emerge as one of the most attractive materials in a variety of fields including gas storage/separation, sensing and pollution management. Recently, MOFs have been used in catalysis due to their unique structures and abundant metal active centers. However, it is still a great challenge to improve MOF catalysts with both high activity and high stability. To modify the catalytic activity of selected stable MOFs, we introduced highly active units including nanoparticles, nanowires, clusters and organometallic molecules inside MOF pores to obtain series composite catalysts such as Ag@MIL-101, Ru@ZIF-67, Cu2O@ZIF-8, Fe3O4@ MIL-101(Fe), and NHC-Co@MIL-100, which were used in CO2 conversion, hydrogenation of xylose and reduction of 4-nitrophenol, and synthesis of NH3 with excellent yields, selectivity, high stability and recyclability under extremely mild conditions. Besides, MOFs were also applied as “sustained-release capsules”, which could keep long pot-life during transport at ambient temperature while release active catalytic centers such as Pt for in-situ polymer formation at selected temperature. The composite catalysts exhibit combined superiority of nano-materials, single-molecules and MOFs.

Bio: Prof. Dr. Jian-Gong Ma received both Bachelor and Master degree in chemistry at Nankai University in 2003 and 2006, respectively. After recieving PhD degree in 2011 in Technische Universität Berlin, he went back to China, and joined Nankai university. Currently Jian-Gong Ma is the associate professor and Young academic leader at the department of chemistry, Nankai University. His scientific focus is the synthesis and application of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) composites, especially in the catalytic conversion of CO2 and green synthesis of industrial and pharmacal productions.

Prof. Emre Erdem
Sabanci University, Turkey

Speech Title: Probing Defect Structures in Materials: Insights through EPR Spectroscopy for Supercapacitor Applications

Abstract: Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is a versatile and powerful technique for investigating defect structures in a wide variety of materials, particularly oxides, where defects play a key role in defining their electronic, magnetic, and optical properties. In this seminar, I will provide a brief introduction to EPR spectroscopy within the context of solid-state materials science, focusing on its ability to study defects in semiconductor nanomaterials, perovskites, and 2D materials. EPR is not only effective in characterizing intrinsic and extrinsic defect states but is also highly sensitive to variations in crystal field parameters, which differ across material types—from perovskites like PbTiO3 and lead-free alternatives to semiconductor systems such as ZnO nanomaterials. Additionally, EPR offers detailed insights into the electronic states of metal ions, making it an extensive technique for determining the concentration and nature of defect ions, whether they are extrinsically doped into solids or intrinsically present. It is also capable of distinguishing between surface and volume defects, which is crucial for understanding material behavior in various applications. We will explore how EPR spectroscopy can uncover critical details such as ion substitution, charge compensation, and oxygen vacancies, and discuss how these insights contribute to the broader understanding of material properties.
Finally, I will introduce ongoing research where ZnO and lead-free perovskites are being applied as electrode materials in all-in-one supercapacitor devices for energy storage systems. We will examine the relationship between material properties and device performance, highlighting how EPR and complementary techniques such as photoluminescence provide extensive control over defect states, enabling a deeper understanding of the functional properties of electrode materials for sustainable energy technologies.

Figure 1: (left) Defect evolution of non-stoichiometric ZnO. (right) The supercapacitor device based on ZnO and 3D graphene foam electrodes.

Bio: Emre Erdem is now full professor at Sabanci University, Materials Science and Nano Engineering program (Istanbul / Turkey). He obtained his BSc degree from Ankara University Physics Department in 1998. In 2001 and 2006, he received his MSc and Ph.D. Degrees from the University of Leipzig Physics Department, respectively. He did postdoctoral research at the Technical University of Darmstadt between the years 2006-2009. In 2010, he became a research group leader in University of Freiburg on the spectroscopic studies of functional nanomaterials and in 2017 he received his habilitation degree in Physical Chemistry. He was awarded LE STUDIUM / Marie Skłodowska-CurieResearch Fellowship (2017), Eugen Grätz Prize (2011) and DAAD scholarship (1999). He (co-)authored more than 140 publications in international journals and more than 70 invited, plenary or keynote talks in conferences. Research areas: Energy storage, nanomaterials, spectroscopy, defect structures, carbon from wastes, power-to-X.


Speakers in 2026 to be announced soon......