Conference Ethics and Quality Control

TTP thrives to publish proceedings of original, high quality research papers concerning current international interest. In order to achieve this we endorse global standards of conference ethics and quality controlled proceedings publications.

Summary of TTP's conference ethics and quality control:

A conference is a place where researchers with similar interest present and discuss their latest findings.

  • A conference needs to have a clear "call for papers".

  • Conference organizers cannot promise any index services on their website.

  • Conference organizers need to obey international spam ethics.

  • All papers have to be presented by at least one of the authors at the conference.

  • Papers can only be submitted to one conference and must describe current original research of international interest.

  • Papers need to be submitted by corresponding authors via TTP's online tool.

  • Papers need to pass a proper peer review via TTP's online tool.

  • Papers need to be related to the main topic of the conference, i.e. to the specific "call for papers" of the conference.

  • Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable (this is strictly enforced by TTP via CrossCheck).

  • All papers are subject to a final TTP internal review and can be rejected without further information.

    For detailed information on current conference ethics and quality control in proceedings publication please read the white paper written and endorsed by most major publishers.